This is an exciting, interdisciplinary programme that will give you broad foundations in Data Sciences. It involves all three main specialism of Heriot-Watt School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, namely Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.Data Sciences are at the core of the modern data analytics and engineering revolution, turning data into intelligence and information for decision-making and for solving complex, multi-faceted problems, in a rigorous and defensible way. It is a young discipline, and demand for expertise in all aspects of data sciences is growing very quickly, as the availability of data sets, and the need to interpret and use them, increases. Data Scientists are now in great demand in a wide variety of sectors that deal with the collection, analysis, interpretation, structuring and presentation of increasing large and rich data sets. Financial transaction, medical data, energy users, environmental samples are a few examples of large data sets now widely available. Because of this strong global demand, Data Scientist is frequently ranked as the no. 1 most promising job and consistently tops the best jobs rankings, with professionals in the field reporting high demand, high salaries, and high job satisfaction.Because the BSc in Data Sciences programme is based on a strong mathematical and statistical foundation and emphasises large-scale data computation using the most relevant and up to date programming languages, graduates would be well placed to seek employment in any areas that require specific mathematical and computational abilities or could specialise further by pursuing postgraduate studies at the Master or PhD level. Depending on their interests, graduates may find employment in the areas of business, finance, government, science, transportation, forensics, energy, the environment or academic researchThe first 3 years of the programme are designed to provide the necessary core skills and knowledge in mathematics, computer sciences, probability, statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The fourth-year offers the option to focus on advanced machine learning, statistical algorithms and applications, data engineering, mathematical aspects of data structures, or applications to Artificial Intelligence.This is one of the first BSc programme of its kind in the UK, truly interdisciplinary as well as truly global. The programme is offered in Edinburgh bur also Dubai and Malaysia, thus offering the widest possible options for studying abroad within the GoGlobal programme.Level 1Calculus (A and B), Software development (1 and 2), Discrete Mathematics, Introduction to Statistical Science, Praxis, plus one of Introduction to university Maths or Logic and Proof.Level 2Calculus and Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics (A and B), Data structures and algorithms, Database management systems, Software development 3 and Numerical Analysis ALevel 3Statistical machine learning, Artificial intelligence and intelligent agents, Software engineering, advanced statistical methods, Bayesian inference and computational methods, Group project plus two of Ordinary differential equations, numerical analysis B, data visualisation analytics or statistical models BLevel 4Optimisation, Data engineering pipelines, Big data management, advanced machine learning, plus a year-long dissertation and two optional courses from a pool of twelve courses in numerical analysis, stochastic processes, natural language processing with machine learning, data visualisation, advanced statistical and financial mathematics options, or mathematical biology.